Corporate Gavernance


Corporate Governance

Our basic stance for Corporate governance

Base on company mission statement “Through the internet, we provide irreplaceable service that are closely related to people’s life and become as indispensable company”, we recognize that to keep building trustable relationship between each stakeholders and us is the most important thing for our sustainable growth.
In addition, to strengthen business management strictly base on internal control, will enhance the corporate governance and contribute to transparency and soundness by proactive and prompt disclosure of information. Besides, we are striving to continuously strengthen and improve our organization structure to respond to changes in the business/capital market and business environment.
With the resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on May 12 2017,from the perspective of further enhancing corporate governance by strengthening the supervisory function of the Board of Directors, the Company aims to utilize the functions of outside Directors, we have introduced a company system with an audit and supervisory committee.

Organization of Corporate Governance

Organization of Corporate Governance

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